Visit of Hedge Fund Billionaire David Halpert to Tajikistan: Unlocking AI Potential for Developing Nations


On May 10, 2023, David Halpert, the founder and head of the hedge fund Prince Street Capital (with a net worth of $1.5 billion), visited Tajikistan. As an investor, Mr. Halpert has 5 startups in his portfolio that have achieved 'unicorn'x status, with valuations exceeding $1 billion. A graduate of Harvard University, he shared insights on the potential for AI development in Tajikistan and emphasized the vital role of the AI Council in promoting and nurturing talent within the AI sphere. He expressed strong hope and confidence that for small developing countries, investing in education, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence, could present a groundbreaking opportunity. The event was organized as a part of AIC efforts in bringing investors for local startups that focus on AI.